
JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, said that there are still 46 percent of travelers who have not returned to Jakarta as of noon today, Sunday, May 8. Budi assessed that the number could increase.

"The number who have not returned is 46 percent, but it could increase," said Budi when inspecting the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate Km 70, Cikampek, Sunday, May 8.

The increase, continued Budi, refers to the fact that there are still residents who have just returned home two days after Lebaran.

Therefore, Budi appealed to residents to postpone their return from their hometowns to Jakarta after 8 May. "So once again, we hope that the return of the homecoming will be after the 8th (May)," explained Budi. Moreover, Budi said, Ketupat Lebaran Day will fall on Tuesday, May 10, the day after tomorrow. According to him, travelers should take advantage of this moment by staying in their hometowns. "We know that Tuesday there is Kupat Hari Raya (Lebaran). So, just celebrate Kupat Lebaran in your homeland, because apart from giving you joy, you can also relax instead of going home. "said Budi. Budi said a one-day delay of returning travelers to Jakarta would greatly affect the return to Lebaran this year. In fact, he hoped that the travelers would be willing to delay their return for the next three days.

"So once again, going back one day is very valuable for all of us. Going back two days is even happier, three days back is really top," concluded the Minister of Transportation.

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