
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani shared a recipe for chicken rendang made by her mother, Megawati Soekarnoputri, which is usually served as a special dish for Eid.

"My mother is good at cooking rendang, chicken rendang. It's a tradition for our family," Puan wrote on her personal Instagram, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 4.

According to him, his mother's recipe for chicken rendang was a recipe from his grandfather, the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno.

The recipe was written in Buka Mustika Rasa, Soekarno's Heritage Indonesian Cuisine Recipe.

Megawati's children and grandchildren always look forward to the chicken rendang made by Megawati.

"If you eat this, you only have it at your grandmother's house. It's only once a year," he said.

Not a few are curious about the recipe and how to make the rendang.

"Well, it turns out that many are curious about my mother's recipe for rendang. For those who are curious, I will whisper it," said Puan.

Here are the ingredients:

1 kg beefsteak chicken (deep scrub)

2 coconuts

10 red onions

6 cloves of garlic

6 tbsp ground red chili

2 pieces of turmeric leaves

2 hazelnuts

1/2 segment of turmeric

2 segments of Laos

3 tbsp salt

2 slices of ginger

Here's how to make Megawati-style chicken rendang:

1. Wash the meat, cut into squares

2. Finely grind the spices, except laos and turmeric and lemongrass

3. Grate coconut, make coconut milk

4. Bring the coconut and spices to a boil in a frying pan, add the meat

5. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly until the water dries up

6. Reduce the heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Remove when dry and dark brown in color.

"Don't forget to try it right away. Good luck," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

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