
SURABAYA - Dozens of bus drivers at Surabaya's Purabaya Terminal in Sidoarjo, East Java, took a urine test as an effort to prevent drug abuse during the Idul Fitri 2022/Idul Fitri 2022 homecoming trip. The urine test was carried out by the Drug Investigation Unit of the Sidoarjo Police for dozens of bus drivers selected at random at Purabaya Terminal, Bungurasih, Waru, Sidoarjo, Monday 25 April. Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Pol. Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro said there were dozens of drivers from various POs who were selected for a urine test at the location. "Of the 50 drivers who were randomly tested, the urine test results were all negative," said Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Pol. Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro quoted by Antara. The urine test aims to prevent traffic accidents during the Lebaran homecoming period caused by the negligence of bus drivers consuming drugs or illegal drugs. Urine tests for bus drivers in the Purabaya Bungurasih Terminal area will continue to be carried out randomly and unexpectedly so that the Eid homecoming takes place safely, comfortably and smoothly. positive. Meanwhile, the person concerned will be subjected to further examination by the Narcotics Unit of the Sidoarjo Police," he said. In addition to conducting urine tests, his party will also implement booster vaccinations for prospective passengers who want to use bus transportation services. "We will continue to carry out vaccinations so that the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 19 can be prevented by creating communal immunity," he said.

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