
JAKARTA - The presidential nomination threshold or presidential threshold in elections is often submitted as a petition for judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK).

A number of parties asked the Constitutional Court to remove the 20 percent threshold for presidential candidates by conducting a judicial review of Article 222 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. However, the results always run aground. The Court always refuses to test the material.

Then, what is the public perception of the presidential threshold? Based on the results of the Populi Center survey, data shows that 47.2 percent of the public do not agree if the presidential nomination threshold is abolished, while those who answer agree are 25.3 percent.

"The majority of the public refuses to remove the presidential nomination threshold," said Populi Center researcher Rafif Pamenang Imawan in a survey presentation, quoted on Monday, April 25.

Meanwhile, people who claimed not to understand the contents of the question regarding the presidential threshold were 21.6 percent, and those who refused to answer 5.9 percent.

The Populi Center also presented a poll on the issue of postponing the election. As a result, as many as 15.6 percent of respondents agreed that the election was postponed. Meanwhile, 74.3 percent did not agree.

"As many as 10.1 percent of the public refused to answer questions about the proposed postponement of the election," he said.

It is known that this survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews in the period from 21 to 29 March 2022. The total sample collected by trained data collectors reached 1,200 respondents.

The sample was randomly selected from the population of Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or already married when the survey was conducted. The survey's margin of error is estimated at +/- 2.83 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.

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