
JAKARTA - Special Satlinmas Rescue (SRI) Region V Glagah, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, has deployed 43 personnel to anticipate marine accidents in the area during the 2022 Eid holiday.

"They will be tasked with overseeing various vulnerable points and those that are crowded with tourists, from Trisik Beach to the beach at Pasir Mendit," said SRI Region V Glagah Coordinator Aris Widiatmoko as quoted by Antara, Sunday 24 April.

Along the coast in Kulon Progo, there are a number of vulnerable points, he continued, such as at the estuary and beach troughs, so it is necessary to anticipate the installation of warning boards prohibiting bathing on the beach.

"We are taking precautions so that visitors do not bathe in the sea. At this time there has been an increase in visits, car plates from outside the area have started to come to the beach area a lot," he said.

In addition, preparations for securing the long holiday have also been carried out by SRI Region V Glagah. Apart from the police and related agencies, he added, tourism managers and volunteers also prepared similar security measures, such as checking rescue equipment such as life jackets and slapping ropes.

"We also check the vehicles that we usually use for patrolling, service them. We also acknowledge routine surveillance and patrols. If there are high waves, use a warning board," he said.

Meanwhile, Kulon Progo Police Chief AKBP Muharomah Fajarini said that during the Ketupat Progo 2022 operation, two security posts would be set up in Temon and the new Sentolo Market. Security posts will also be established in the Glagah beach area because there is a potential for overcrowding of visitors.

"We will also carry out a number of traffic engineering to smooth traffic flow when going back and forth. Water barriers are planned to be installed at the Ngelo intersection. Engineering will also be implemented in the Glagah Beach area and tourism in the Menoreh hills to prevent the accumulation of visitors and traffic accidents , said Fajarini.

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