
JAKARTA - Russia said that no decision had been taken regarding the presence or absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit at the end of October in Bali, Indonesia.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24 sparked criticism from the international community, including from the G20 countries spearheaded by several Western countries, for refusing the presence of Russia and its delegation in the G20 agenda series, including President Putin at the upcoming summit in Indonesia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said no decision had yet been made on whether President Putin would attend the G20 summit to be held on the island of Bali this fall.

"When the relevant decision is made, we will let you know. No decision has been made yet", said Dmitry Peskov, launching TASS on April 22.

However, there are considerations as to whether President Putin will attend the G20 summit in Bali, according to Peskov. The first is the development of the situation. Second, the Kremlin will largely be guided by the position of the host country.

As previously reported, the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Lyudmila Vorobieva, said that the president was planning to attend.

Lyudmilla said that Russia had been invited to the summit, appreciating the attitude of the Indonesian Presidency. Although, there are many insistence that Russia is not invited and the potential for boycotts from other countries, even to the exclusion of Russia from the G20.

dmitry peskov
Kremlin spokesman Dimitry Peskov. (Wikimedia Commons/Пресс-служба езидента оссии)

United States President Joe Biden said Ukraine should be allowed to attend the G20 summit in Bali if Indonesia as the G20 Presidency and other countries do not agree to the elimination of Russia.

Meanwhile, Indonesia will continue to invite Russia to attend the G20 Summit which will be held at the end of October, amid heavy criticism of the invasion of Ukraine.

The Special Staff for Strengthening Priority Programs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the G20 Co-Sherpa, Dian Triansyah Djani, said that Indonesia would still invite Russia.

"As a presidency and by the previous presidency, Indonesia invites all members", she said in a virtual press statement.

She explained that Indonesia has on various occasions led international organizations and forums in the world, always adhering to the applicable rules and procedures.

"One of the duties of the presidency is to consult with all members. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, the Minister of Finance, and others hold consultations with all parties on a bilateral basis", she explained.

"Our position is clear, we will carry out our duties. We will not comment on other people's comments", she said.

Most recently, the delegations from the United States, Canada, and Britain took a walk-out action when the Russian delegation spoke at a meeting of the G20 State Finance Ministers in Washington DC, United States, last Wednesday.

"As the Presidency, it is Indonesia's duty to ensure that the work program and agenda of the G20 discussions run as expected", said the Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, to VOI.

"How member countries will behave at each G20 meeting will depend on their respective positions", he continued.

Despite occupying the G20 Presidency this year, Teuku Faizasyah said Indonesia cannot impose a country's choice of attitude.

"As the Presidency, Indonesia cannot force the choice of one country's stance", he said.

For information, the G20 member countries include the US, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, China, Canada, the European Union, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and the UK.

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