
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) announced that the government has decided to ban the export of cooking oil and its raw materials.

This prohibition was taken after he held a meeting with the relevant ministries and institutions.

"During the meeting, I decided that the government would prohibit the export of raw materials for cooking oil and cooking oil", Jokowi said in a video description posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Friday, April 22.

This ban will take effect from Thursday, April 28 next week until an undetermined time. Jokowi said this policy was taken to meet the domestic demand for cooking oil.

The President will also continue to monitor and evaluate the policy.

That way, the people's basic needs, especially those related to the availability of cooking oil in the country, can be fulfilled to the fullest.

"I will continue to monitor and evaluate the implementation of this policy so that the availability of cooking oil in the country is abundant at affordable prices", he concluded.

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