
MEDAN - The Social Service of the City of Medan, North Sumatra, has increased universal health coverage (UHC) by 100 thousand members of the Class III Health Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) this year.

"The total allocation that we added is 100 thousand participants. However, until today we have received more than 60,000 people," said the Head of the Medan City Social Service, Khoiruddin in Medan, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

However, he continued, his party is still receiving suggestions from the public for the application for the issuance of the BPJS Health card for class III.

Khoiruddin explained, the addition of BPJS Health membership is a policy of the Medan City Government this year by paying a monthly fee for membership.

The addition of the number of BPJS Health participants is also to support the implementation of the universal health coverage program in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

Because, he explained, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution wants in 2024 for residents to only need to bring ID cards to seek treatment or get health services.

"So all Medan City residents are protected by BPJS Health. If you have UHC, people don't need to bring a BPJS card. Just bring their ID card, they can get treatment," explained Khoiruddin.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPJS Kesehatan Medan Branch, Dr. Sari Quratul Aini, admitted that the National Health Insurance - Indonesian Card (JKN-KIS) program in the local area was running well.

"Of the 2.5 million residents of Medan, about two million or 80 percent of the population are registered with JKN. This means that there are still 500 thousand more who have not been registered," he said.

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