
MAMUJU - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Balai POM) in Mamuju did not find any iftar snacks sold at a number of points in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province containing hazardous materials.

"Today, we have tested a number of samples of snacks at a number of points in Mamuju Regency and did not find any harmful ingredients in these snacks," said the Head of the POM Center in Mamuju Lintang Purba Jaya, Monday, April 18.

The Balai POM team, continued Lintang Purba Jaya, took samples of snacks at six points in Mamuju Regency, including the Ramadhan Field Market, Ahmad Korang, Traffic Park Ramadhan Market, Mamuju Regional Market and Mamuju Central Market.

From the six points, he continued, 24 samples of snacks and drinks such as red and yellow syrup and various types of fried foods were taken to be tested.

"Alhamdulillah, after the sample test was carried out, there were no iftar snacks containing harmful ingredients, negative for formaldehyde, borax, red rhodamine and methanyl yellow or yellow methanyl," said Lintang Purba Jaya, quoted by Antara.

Not only hazardous materials, but Balai POM also added that Lintang Purba Jaya is wary of sanitizing permits for iftar snacks by checking their cleanliness, sellers, and how they are packaged.

"This is what we pay attention to and to provide guidance and Alhamdulillah today we get support from the Deputy Governor regarding how the safety of iftar protects the people in West Sulawesi against the use of hazardous materials in iftar snacks," explained Lintang Purba Jaya.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of West Sulawesi, Enny Anggraeni Anwar, expressed her appreciation to the traders who did not use hazardous materials in the snacks they sell.

"I appreciate the traders who have awareness by not using dangerous ingredients in the snacks they sell," said Enny Anggraeni Anwar.

The Deputy Governor also expressed her appreciation to the Balai POM in Mamuju which annually supervises the use of hazardous materials in breaking the fast snacks.

"I also express my gratitude to Balai POM, which always conducts takjil inspections every year and this is a form of education to the public, if there is no inspection, they may be unscrupulous traders, which of course harms the community," explained Enny Anggraeni Anwar.

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