
KULON PROGO - Regent of Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sutedjo ensured that all tourism objects managed by the government and tourism groups are ready to welcome tourists during the 2022 Eid holiday. "When tourist attractions are closed due to a spike in COVID-19 cases, we carry out socialization to tourism actors to fix the tourist objects they manage. So, currently all tourist attractions in Kulon Progo are ready to welcome tourists," Sutedjo said as quoted by Antara. He said that currently, the central government has provided concessions, such as allowing going home and travel requirements, of course there needs to be special preparations for tourist objects. Tourist objects managed by the district government, starting from Glagah Beach , Trisik Beach, Congot Beach, Nglinggo-Tritis Tea Garden, G ua Kiskendo and Suroloyo Peak have been fixed. Then tourism objects managed by tourism actors receive guidance from the Tourism Office. "We encourage everything to be prepared, so that during the Eid holidays tourists can enjoy them, and make them visit again," he said.

However, Sutedjo asked tourism actors and Dispar to arrange for tourists when visiting to pay attention to health protocols. "Even though there have been easing, we ask that tourism objects continue to implement health protocols. Do not let it spread COVID-19," he said. Previously, Head of Kulon Progo Dispar, Joko Mursito, said that Dispar continued to provide assistance to tourism actors, especially in revamping tourism objects. "We ensure that supporting facilities are prepared carefully to welcome the reopening of tourism," he said.

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