DENPASAR - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk emphasized that the issue of the increase in visas on arrival (VoA) was three times a hoax.
"It's still IDR 500 thousand. That's hoax information, not true information. Until now, the government's regulation is still IDR 500 thousand," said Jamaruli when met at Serangan Harbor, South Denpasar, Bali, Saturday, April 16.
The rules regarding VoA tariffs have been regulated in Government Regulation (PP), Number 28, Year 2019 regarding the types of VoA tariffs.
"It has been regulated by PP 28 of 2019. And until now there has been no change. So, there is no increase in VoA, it is still the old price. Changing government regulations is not that easy, I don't know the issues that have been raised either. It's a hoax," he added.
He appealed to the public not to fall prey to rumors, let alone spread them. Because issues related to the arrival of foreign tourists can have a negative effect if the information that is spread is a hoax.
"We have just started visiting foreigners, don't spoil it with things like that. Don't let there be information that misleads the public," he said.

Previously, there were rumors that there was a three-fold increase in the visa on arrival (VoA) rate to Rp. 1.5 million.
Bali tourism actors who are members of the Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (GIPI) also reject the planned three-fold increase in VoA.
"I just received the leaflets but if they happen, we will protest. Yes, we industry refuses because tourism is just starting to grow," said GIPI Bali Chair Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana, Thursday, April 14.
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