
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ensured that the government will prepare strict rules governing Lebaran homecoming this year. Jokowi does not want his return to his hometown to cause a spike in COVID-19 cases.

"There should not be an uncontrolled spike in cases after we celebrate the holiday. Therefore, the government will make strict and detailed arrangements for homecoming travel," Jokowi said in a video caption uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Thursday, April 14.

This vigilance, continued Jokowi, was deemed necessary, especially since he received a report that the estimated number of homecomers who would travel to their hometowns reached millions.

"We must remain vigilant so that the homecoming trip does not trigger the emergence of a new wave of COVID-19 transmission. Moreover, this year's homecoming flow is expected to be very large," he said.

Jokowi said it was estimated that there were 23 million private car travelers and 17 million travelers using motorbikes on the island of Java. So, strict rules are needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

As for the regulations regarding the Lebaran homecoming, said Jokowi, they will only be issued next week.

"Next week we will convey to the entire community," he said.

As previously reported, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the government's action plan to deal with the 2022 Eid homecoming flow was 100 percent ready.

Moeldoko in a written statement to the press in Jakarta, Tuesday, said the readiness of the action plan can be seen from all infrastructure, including sea, air and land transportation.

This includes toll roads and non-toll roads, traffic management, availability of fuel oil, electricity to the implementation of health protocols and COVID-19 vaccinations.

This was conveyed after chairing the Coordination Meeting of the Presidential Staff Office with the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Police, Task Force for Handling COVID-19, and a number of related institutions, Tuesday 12 April.

"From the reports of each ministry, it shows that the action plan for readiness to face the homecoming flow is 100 percent, it just needs coordination and collaboration between ministries/agencies," said Moeldoko.

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