
DENPASAR - The head of the Bali Youth and Sports Education Agency (Kadisdikpora), Ketut Ngurah Boy Jayawibawa, said the perpetrator who stepped on the shoulder of a student when punishing push-ups had the status of a school principal. The principal of SMA Negeri 3 Amlapura, Karangasem, Bali, I Komang Sudiana has now been fired.

Boy explained that his party had called the Principal, whose viral video stepped on his student's shoulder. Komang Sudiana was transferred to another school.

"After we conducted (study) various perspectives, we issued a governor's decision that the person concerned was dismissed as the head of the school, as of today and becomes a regular teacher and transferred to another school," said Boy, when contacted, Wednesday, April 13.

During the examination, Komang Sudiana admitted that he stepped on a student's shoulder when giving a push-up sentence.

"We confirmed and clarified whether the person in question was in the video. The person concerned said it was him. This was done to implement discipline. Of course, we appreciate the good intentions to apply discipline to students. It's just, the method is educating and in accordance with character building for students, and that's not that way," said Boy.

Komang Sudiana was given a push-up penalty because his students did not cut their hair according to school regulations.

"Disciplinary punishment for push-ups is given to children who say they don't shave their hair. It means it's good to be neat, it's just that the method is not right. In our opinion, the character is not right and an educator should show how they actually discipline their students," continued Boy.

Kadisdikpora reminded school principals, teachers and educators not to take disciplinary action outside the provisions as Komang Sudiana did.

"Indeed, educating and discipline is good. But there are ways that are educated and educated for the children. It's more educational, don't do that. So I remind the governor not to play games if there are school principals or teachers who discipline their students like that," said Boy.

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