
JAKARTA - The personnel of the Brimob Police of North Sulawesi Ipda Imam Agus Husein, who died while on duty to secure a demonstration in Kendari City, was flown to his hometown in North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra).

Head of Brimob Ops for the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Assistant Commissioner of Police (AKP) Asri Dini, said that Ipda Imam's body was flown from Haluoleo Kendari Airport to his hometown at Jalan William Iskandar Number 14, Pengabungan District, Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency, North Sumatra.

"The body will be flown to his hometown in Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, at 09.30 a.m. Central Indonesian Time (WITA), using Lion Air flight JT-987," Asri said in Kendari, Tuesday, April 12, quoted from Antara.

The flight for Ipda Imam, who is an alumnus of the Police Academy in 2020, will go through several transits before arriving at the funeral home in Mandailing Natal Regency.

Flights from Kendari will go to Makassar City. Then use the Batik Air plane to Jakarta. The following will fly again and then go to Padang and will take the land route to Mandailing Natal Regency.

"It is estimated that the body will arrive at the funeral home at 16.45 p.m. Indonesian Western Time (WIB)," he said.

The process of returning Ipda Imam's body to his hometown was accompanied by officers from the Southeast Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade and two colleagues from the class of the deceased.

"(Accompanying) Mr. Wadanden (Deputy Detachment Commander) Gegana Kompol Gusti and two contemporaries of the deceased accompanied the repatriation of the body," he said.

Before being flown off, there was a release ceremony led by the Ceremonial Inspector of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General Pol. Teguh Pristiwanto at the Central Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters at around 07.30 a.m. WITA.

Ipda Imam Agus Husein died at the Bhayangkara Kendari Hospital after having an accident in a barracuda car, after repelling a mass demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Representative Council (DPRD) office, Monday (11/4), around 15:45 p.m. WITA.

Head of Humas Polda Sultra Kombes Pol. Ferry Walintukan explained that when he was on a barracuda car and opened the car door to spray tear gas, the victim hit the door of a tactical vehicle and was squeezed until he was short of breath.

At that time, the victim was immediately taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for treatment and was declared dead at around 17.30 p.m. WITA.

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