
MALUKU - One of the houses of a resident of Kariuw Village, Haruku Island District, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku, was allegedly burned by an unknown person (OTK) on Sunday, April 10 at around 19.30 WIT.

The house fire was discovered when the security forces patrolled the house. They saw a fire in a house at the top, or to be precise, at the back of Kariuw Village.

On their way to the house, the officers saw people running into the forest. They were chased, but an unknown person suspected of being the perpetrator of the arson managed to escape, running into the dark forest of the area.

The Head of the Maluku Regional Police (Kapolda) Inspector General Lotharia Latif ordered his personnel to thoroughly investigate the case of a fire in a resident's house in Kariuw. The fire of an uninhabited house is a purely criminal case. He asked all parties not to link it as an international problem.

"We suspect that a criminal group is trying again to commit crimes there," said the Kapolda in Ambon, Antara, Monday, April 11.

Kapolda asked residents not to be provoked by the situation and conditions that occurred. He even asked the public for help in providing information regarding the perpetrators of the crime.

"We ask all parties to help the Police in providing information. Don't accuse each other and get carried away with assumptions that make the handling process more difficult there. Instead, both parties should unite and provide information and help the TNI and Polri officers so that the perpetrators can be caught and brought to justice. prosecuted," he stressed.

The house that caught fire had been tamed with makeshift equipment. However, because it was made of flammable materials (half-permanent), the house was difficult to tame, so it spread to the fire of one house next door.

To anticipate these things from happening again, the Maluku Police Chief has ordered that a curfew be imposed temporarily in Kariuw Village.

"Meanwhile, we will enforce a curfew starting at 20.00 WIT until 06.00 WIT, so outsiders are not allowed to enter Kariuw Village except for certain reasons, such as worship and others, and must report / be informed by the officers there," said the Kapolda as well. .

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