
ACEH - Joint officers from the Aceh Police, the National Armed Forces (TNI), and Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) were deployed to guard student demonstrations that took place at several points, Monday, April 11.

The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said that expressing opinions in public is a human right, guaranteed by the constitution and protected by law. He asked the action participants to convey their rights in an orderly manner, not being anarchic and disturbing public order.

"But in practice, the expression of opinions in public such as demonstrations must be orderly and not out of the corridor of applicable law. Please be orderly, and we remind participants of the demonstration not to be anarchic," he said in Banda Aceh, Antara, Monday, April 11.

The number of students who took to the streets is estimated to reach 200 people with the main point of action at the Aceh House of Representatives (DPR) Building. Winardy also asked students to be wary of 'stowaways' trying to ride the stunt.

Besides Banda Aceh, demonstrations were also held in Lhokseumawe, Langsa, Bener Meriah, Southeast Aceh, Pidie, and West Aceh. "Similarly in the area or the Polres, security is also supported by the TNI and the Satpol PP will provide security at demonstration points," he said.

Security, he said, still prioritizes the human side and acts according to standards. So it is hoped that the cooperation of the demonstrators will remain orderly and not anarchic.

In addition, he also asked the demonstrators to comply with the time limit for activities and respect the nuances of Ramadan, so that activities guaranteed by the constitution do not interfere with the solemnity of the holy month.

"Convey your aspirations in an orderly and peaceful manner until the specified time limit, and of course it does not interfere with Ramadan worship activities," he said.

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