
TULUNGAGUNG - Hundreds of worshipers at the Al Munawar Grand Mosque in Tulungagung, East Java, queued for their turn to receive the COVID-19 vaccination after the Taraweeh prayers at the mosque.

"This is the fourth vaccination (activity) during this Ramadan," said Al Munawar Mosque official, Sigit Kurniawan, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 8.

The vaccination is carried out after the Tarawih prayer, or around 19.30 WIB. After the Tarawih prayers, residents immediately lined up in the foyer of the mosque to take part in the vaccination.

The head of the Sembung Health Center, dr. Dwi Heri Wiyono said that in this vaccination activity his party provided 300 doses of vaccine.

"The types of vaccines are Sinovac, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca and Pfizer," he explained.

According to Dwi, the enthusiasm of the congregation was quite high. It can be seen that there are around 60 residents who have been vaccinated, while other residents are queuing up. "For the first, second and booster vaccines," he explained.

During this Ramadan, the implementation of vaccination is prioritized to be carried out at night to honor residents who are fasting.

"There are already instructions from the Health Service. Because during the day many are fasting," he said.

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