
JAKARTA - The government is asked to quickly take action against anonymous accounts on various social media platforms to prevent cybercrimes.

"All these situations (cybercrimes), including verbal harassment, occur because of the many anonymous accounts. In my opinion, the rule of law needs to be enforced in taking action against anonymous accounts," said Professor of FISIP Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Henri Subiakto in a virtual public discussion entitled " The Urgency of Legal Protection Against Verbal Harassment in the Digital Age”, as monitored from Jakarta, Friday, April 8, quoted from Antara.

Henri, who is also an expert in political communication, said anonymous accounts are the mother of cybercrimes that are often experienced by the public. Henri admitted that in fact, the government had made various efforts to regulate anonymous accounts in the digital space.

For example, issuing the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Number 14 of 2017 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 12 of 2016 concerning Registration of Telecommunication Service Customers.

Through these rules, he said, a person's prepaid card registration will be validated with a population identification number (NIK) and family card number (KK). Thus, the use of anonymous identities in registering a prepaid SIM card which can then be used to create accounts on social media can be prevented.

Furthermore, in 2018, Henri said that the government had sought to control the registration of prepaid SIM card subscribers.

“Then, there was the controlling of prepaid SIM card customer registration in 2018. That's all very good. Unfortunately, until now there are still many cybercriminals who use fake NIK and KK numbers," said Henri.

Therefore, he explained, in this virtual discussion organized by the Faculty of Law, the National Development University (UPN) Veterans Jakarta, Henri assessed that regulations were needed that could take action against the perpetrators of electronic manipulation.

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