
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno held a meeting with Australian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment Daniel Thomas Tehan. Sandiaga promotes a number of tourist destinations in Indonesia that can be visited by tourists from the Kangaroo Country.

The meeting was held at the Commonwealth Offices, Treasure Place, Melbourne, Australia, Wednesday, April 6.

"This is the first trip abroad as Menparekraf, and directly to Australia, because the number of Australian tourists who come to Indonesia is so large, even Bali has become their second home," said Sandiaga as quoted by Antara.

Sandiaga explained, in 2019, the number of Australian tourist arrivals to Indonesia was around 1.4 million people. Entering February 2021 or when the COVID-19 pandemic took place, the number of visits decreased drastically to only 220 tourists.

Sandiaga hopes that his working visit can strengthen more intensive cooperation in the field of tourism and the creative economy (parekraf) with Australia, one of which is by promoting a number of tourist destinations in the country.

“Indonesia doesn't only have Bali as a tourist destination for Australians. Indonesia has a row of beautiful tourist destinations with natural and cultural wealth that is closely related to local wisdom," he said.

Moreover, said Menparekraf, considering that Indonesia was chosen as the host of Formula 1 (F1) and Australia handles similar sports activities, it is hoped that sharing of best practices in organizing activities can be carried out.

"Melbourne (a city in Australia) has many sports events (F1 and the Australian Open). Indonesia can follow Australia's example in various tourism developments, especially when the F1 race is planned to be held in Bintan (Riau Islands)," said Sandiaga.

Meanwhile, Australian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment, Daniel Thomas Tehan, was honored that Australia was the first country visited by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno. He hopes that cooperation and good relations between the two countries can continue to be realized.

"Australians are very interested in coming to Indonesia, especially Bali. We hope that cooperation will continue to be good, especially since we are neighboring countries," he said.

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