
JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir attended the iftar event with singers and artists. The event took place in Sarinah after it was revitalized was lively. Erick, who was sitting side by side with Triawan Munaf, seemed to enjoy chatting while waiting for sunset.

In fact, he did not hesitate to join in muttering along with the song performed by Dhea Mirella, Sarwana, Stephan, Ria from the Warna group and had the opportunity to contribute their golden voices. The song 50 Tahun Lagi by Warna also makes the atmosphere more cheerful.

After breaking the fast together, he was pleased to answer some questions from the VOI team on duty. "I met extraordinary artists, senior singers who have made extraordinary contributions to Indonesian culture so far," he said after breaking his fast at Sarinah Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, April 6.

Erick Thihir dan Triawan Munaf. (Teddy/VOI)
Erick Thohir and Triawan Munaf. (Teddy/VOI)

The COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on for two years has caused many music stages to take a break. It was felt by singers and musicians. "Now the situation is more conducive. We try to continue to knit hope after this COVID-19. We wake each other up. Because this is the moment of revival," he continued.

Erick Thohir also had time to go around Sarinah before eating an iftar meal at one of the typical Balinese restaurants there. “We saw today in Sarinah, this is a history that was almost forgotten, the evidence is that it can rise again. I also believe that with today's situation, national artists, national singers, all cultural people, it's time for us to get back together, don't keep pensive because of COVID-19," he said.

Erick Thohir dan seluruh penyanyi dan seniman foto bersama usai acara. (Teddy/VOI)
Erick Thohir and all the singers and artists took a group photo after the event. (Teddy/VOI)

Culture, said Erick, is very important for sustainable development. “Culture is very important. The modern country must not forget its culture, it is very important today. Don't let us become a broken society that always sees our shortcomings being ridiculed. Even though the name of the deficiency needs to be corrected, not ridiculed. So that's what we have to re-knit as a nation," said Erick Thohir.

Besides Triawan Munaf, those present at the iftar with the artist and Erick Thohir included Tantowi Yahya, Andre Hehanusa, Sarwana, Dhea Mirella, Lita Zein, Kristina, Uci Nurul, Vina Panduwinata, Tantowi Yahya, and others.

However, Erick Thohir frowned when he tried to be asked about the current state of affairs which had soared. Starting from fuel, cooking oil, value added tax (VAT), and various other basic needs are slowly creeping up. "Yes, yes," he said as he left the food area in Sarinah.

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