JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro suggested that vaccination activities during Ramadan should be carried out before breaking the fast to anticipate post-immunization follow-up events (KIPI).
"If you want a vaccine, choose a time that is close to breaking the fast. Symptoms of AEFI usually appear four to six hours after the injection. So when you start to feel AEFIs, you can immediately take medicines," said Reisa Broto Asmoro in a Healthy Broadcast followed by YouTube RRI Net Official in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 4.
Reisa who is also a Behavior Change Ambassador said that AEFI is a normal reaction that occurs at the vaccination stage. In the most severe conditions, AEFI needs to be overcome by taking pain relievers.
However, Reisa ensured that during Ramadan the government had allocated a half-dose of vaccine so that the risk of AEFI that appears is relatively lighter when compared to the full dose.
"Even many who have completed two doses, their AEFI does not appear," she said.
In order to maintain stamina during the vaccination queue, said Reisa, participants are advised to consume balanced nutrition at dawn so that they have sufficient energy for activities throughout the day.
At the time of sahur or iftar, it is recommended to consume lots of fiber such as vegetables and fruit. Foods low in fiber and high in saturated fat can make the blood thicker and trigger blood clots.
"This causes the flow of oxygen to decrease, resulting in weakness and excessive sleepiness. Foods with complex carbohydrates make you full longer," she said.
Reisa said vaccination participants were also advised to avoid consuming high-sugar foods, sweet foods with glucose digested more quickly because it makes energy not last long.
When breaking the fast, said Reisa, pay attention to enough iftar food, pay attention to the salt and fat levels that are not excessive. "Eating in large quantities, the stomach can be nauseous and gastric disorders occur. It is recommended the three dates, fresh fruit is recommended," she said.
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