
SOLO - The Solo City Government accompanies pregnant and lactating mothers in terms of fulfilling nutrition to prevent stunting in children, one of which is by providing multivitamins.

Chairman of the PKK Mobilization Team for the City of Surakarta, Selvi Ananda, on the sidelines of giving multivitamins to pregnant and lactating mothers in Solo, said that currently the number of stunting cases in Solo is still quite high.

"The stunting rate in Solo is around 800. We are the second highest number in Central Java, after Tegal," he said in Solo, Antara, Monday, April 4.

Selvi said that the majority of stunting cases in Solo occurred due to lack of maternal nutrition during pregnancy.

"It is undeniable that this happens because of many factors, such as lack of nutrition, economic factors, environmental hygiene, sanitation, drainage, and cleanliness in the family itself. But yes, it is more in the scope of nutrition," he said.

Related to this, it is targeted to reduce the number of stunting cases by 3 percent per year. According to him, to be able to realize the target is not an easy matter.

"We need help from several parties. That's why we collaborate with several parties to provide assistance, not only education and socialization but also providing direct assistance," he said.

In fact, he said, the next program will still prioritize cooperation with several parties by utilizing the company's social service program.

"We are looking for CSR to provide more assistance for stunting children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers to improve nutrition," he said.

The head of the Solo City Health Service (DKK) Siti Wahyuningsih confirmed the high number of stunting cases in Solo.

"The data is based on the SSGI (Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey), using census blocks. Solo gets ten census blocks. This census block describes how many children are in the population, so not the entire population is weighed. " he said.

Meanwhile, on this occasion, vitamins were given to 2,000 pregnant and lactating women in Surakarta City.

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