
JAKARTA - The National Police and the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) have formed a joint task force to oversee the distribution and availability of cooking oil. This task force will work non-stop from producers to traders.

"We together with the Minister of Industry have formed a joint task force. We will place this joint task force at the central level for producers and at the head office," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to reporters, Monday, April 4.

Supervision will be carried out for a full 24 hours. That way, the availability and price of cooking oil will be controlled.

"Similarly, at the distributor level, whether distributors at level one to level four, to retailers, we will send personnel from the central, regional task force, intelligence partners, Protector of security and order (Bhabinkamtibmas) to check on the market," said the National Police Chief.

With the supervision carried out from the beginning to the end, it is hoped that it will produce good results. The public is asked to remain calm and unaffected by emerging issues.

"So we can really monitor the series of processes, from producers, and distributors to the market," said Listyo.

"If this is indeed done, of course, we will take firm action," he continued.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo mentioned the many modes of repackaging or repacking bulk oil into packaging as one of the causes of the scarcity of cooking oil. Because, many new brands that suddenly appear in the community.

The mode was found based on the results of monitoring by the Police and the Ministry of Industry. The fraudulent way of repackaging bulk oil into packaging is solely to gain big profits.

"Earlier, the Minister conveyed the modes of repacking or repackaging, currently there are many new types of brands that have not been available in the market so far," said General Sigit.

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