
JAKARTA - Gambir Police have named WST (20) as a suspect for the arson at a kiosk in Lenggang Jakarta, National Monument Area (Monas), Gambir, Central Jakarta. As a result of WST's actions, hundreds of kiosks in that location were completely destroyed. WST was charged with multiple articles.

It turned out that after being investigated, initially WST burned only one kiosk, owned by a man with the initials DL at that location. However, because the fire was getting bigger, so it spread to other shops.

Regarding why WST burned down DL's kiosk, it turned out that he did it because he felt hurt. DL has another partner that makes WST hurt. Yes, it turns out they have a same-sex relationship.

WST has known DL since 6 months ago, but recently DL is suspected of having another partner who makes WST hurt. Out of jealousy, WST was determined to burn the curtains at DL's (her lover's) kiosk. The fire then grew and spread to hundreds of other stalls.

Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana, explained that the incident began on Wednesday, March 30, the night. Based on the suspect's statement, that night WST was in DL's kiosk.

Then WST had a fight with DL until Thursday, March 31 at around 02.00 WIB. DL also left his stall.

"WST wants to find the person concerned (DL), but before leaving the place, WST set fire to the stall owned by DL," said Kompol Wisnu to reporters, Monday, April 4.

The fire was discovered at 05.20 WIB and was extinguished by the Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. after receiving a report. The fire was extinguished at 05.50 WIB. However, as many as 204 stalls have been burned by the fire.

"Based on the suspect's statement, WST has a special relationship with DL," he said.

Furthermore, after the investigation of the crime scene (TKP) carried out by the Identification Unit (INAFIS) of the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the National Police Laboratory for Research, as well as examination of 8 witnesses, it was confirmed that Lenggang Jakarta was burned due to being burned intentionally by the suspect WST.

As a result of his actions, WST was charged with Article 187 of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 188 of the Criminal Code related to intentionally causing a fire with a threat of 12 years in prison.

"The evidence confiscated from the Lenggang Jakarta fire were gas lighters, backpacks, t-shirts, trousers, ashes from burning curtains and a pink Oppo cellphone belonging to the suspect WST," he said.

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