
JAKARTA - Social media activist Chusnul Chotimah said Immanuel Ebenezer alias Noel still has not accepted his status as the dismissal of the President Commissioner of PT Mega Elektra, a subsidiary of BUMN PT Pupuk Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Chusnul in response to the news that Noel mocked SOE Minister Erick Thohir blo'on if the background to his dismissal was involved in the trial of terrorism defendants. Noel is known to be a witness against the defendant Munarman terrorism.

"It's a pity that Pak Erick Thohir is still angry about being fired, even though he said he was not afraid of being fired," Chusnul wrote on his Twitter account, @ChusnulCh__, Monday, March 28.

Chusnul said that as a supporter of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 Presidential Election who was given the seat of a high-ranking BUMN, Noel should have separated friends from people who hated Jokowi.

According to Chusnul, the terrorism defendant Munarman has an inverse attitude towards those who support Jokowi. He said Noel should be aware of this.

"If it is considered tol*l [stupid] because of that, which one is more stupid who claims to be a Jokowi volunteer, who has been given the commissioner seat instead of defending the accused terrorist, FPI officials who have always hated Jokowi? Use your brain," he continued.

As is known, SOE Minister Erick Thohir removed Noel from the commissioner of a SOE subsidiary after attending as a mitigating witness for Munarman in the case of alleged criminal acts of terrorism at the East Jakarta District Court.

However, the public prosecutor (JPU) at the East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, March 23, rejected the defense of the defendant Munarman and his legal advisor in this case.

The former secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was sentenced to 8 years in prison in connection with the alleged criminal act of terrorism. The Public Prosecutor assessed that Munarman was proven to have carried out malicious conspiracy, preparation, experimentation, or assistance to carry out acts of terrorism.

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