
JAKARTA - In dealing with the problem of waterlogging in urban areas, the Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Civil Engineering at Mercu Buana University, made a modular tank in an infiltration well in the neighborhood of RT 07/02, Meruya Selatan Village, Kembangan District, West Jakarta. This activity is carried out as a service to the community.

A lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Mercu Buana University, Hendy Yusman Firdaus, said that the problem of standing water often occurs in urban areas. With this method, by making infiltration wells, the problem of standing water that often occurs when it rains can be overcome by channeling it into the ground.

Currently, continued Hendy, infiltration wells are made by arranging modules called modular tanks made of polymer materials made from polypropylene.

“In making infiltration wells, of course, we need a material that functions as a filtration. One of the materials that can be used for filtration is non-woven geotextile,” said Hendi, Sunday, March 27.

After installing the water catchment, the implementation team from Mercu Buana University handed over the modular tank and geosynthetic fabric for the construction of the infiltration well to the local residents.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Mawardi Amin also said that the assembly of modular tanks in this excavation had already been prepared. Mawardi said, the modular tank was covered with sand and geosynthetic fabric, then the soil was backfilled. Then prepare an infiltration well consisting of 6 cubes of modular tanks measuring approximately 120 x 80 centimeters with a depth of 50 centimeters.

He hopes that the construction of infiltration wells in the environmental area of RT 07 RW 02, South Meruya Village, can provide an example for the community to apply non-woven geotextiles as filtration in infiltration wells to reduce waterlogging.

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