
JAKARTA - Social Minister, Tri Rismaharini, plans to build an internet network for distance learning (PJJ) in Erosaman Village, Der Komour District, Asmat Regency, Papua Province.

During her visit to the area, Thursday, March 24, the Minister of Social Affairs listened to residents' requests for educational facilities and educators.

Residents expressed their enthusiasm for learning, especially for preschool children, but there were no educators to complete the stilt house that functions as a community center. Meanwhile, according to them, in the next village, there are even more teachers.

So to bring a teacher to Erosman Village, the residents had to "battle on" (fight) with the residents of the next village.

Hearing this explanation, the Minister of Social Affairs asked not to hit each other, because it did not solve the problem. If someone dies, then the children will lose their father's love and source of livelihood.

"You don't have to beat yourself up. In today's era, the teacher does not have to come, there must be no direct meeting with the teacher. Later, I'll set up a television here, I'll give you an internet connection, so the teacher can teach the children here remotely. I'll teach you later from Jakarta", she told the residents of Kampung Erosman in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, March 25.

Apart from asking for teachers to be brought in, residents also asked for shovels, hoes, sickles, electrical connections, and even fiberglass boats.

The Minister of Social Affairs also monitors the implementation of the provision of assistance for social empowerment that has been submitted in November 2021, including for residents of Remote Indigenous Communities (KAT), necessities, magnetic generators, computers, laying hens farms, longboat boats, and so on.

She not only identified other needs for Erosaman Village but also for the farthest village, Amagais village. In Amagais, the Minister of Social Affairs spread catfish seeds and laid the first stone for water purification.

To the local community, the Minister of Social Affairs stated that a water purifier is provided as a solution for providing clean water for residents. So that residents do not need to depend on rainwater.

"After it has been cleaned it can be consumed for drinking. So you don't have to beat it. You can't beat it", he said, quoted by Antara.

The Minister of Social Affairs was present accompanied by Bishop Agats Mgr Aloysius Murwito, Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto, Special Staff to the Minister, and Agats Regent Elisa Kambu The Minister of Social Affairs landed at Ewer Agats Airport from a working visit in Sarmi and Jayapura Regencies, Papua Province.

In Agats, apart from Erosaman and Amagais villages, the social empowerment program involved the Agats Diocese, the Asmat District Government, and the administrators of the An-Nur Mosque.

The assistance provided was in the form of one unit of water desalination machine, one package of solar cells, cultivation of laying hens, vegetable seeds, fruit seeds, catfish seeds, agricultural and fishery cultivation, two units of water desalination machines (Pemkab and Masjid An-Nur), and two solar cell package (Regency Government and An-Nur Mosque).

The assistance from the Minister of Social Affairs for the Agats Diocese is IDR 7,616,560,000, for the Asmat Regency Government, IDR 1,301,340,000, and the administrators of the An-Nur Mosque, IDR 945,580,000.

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