
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said drainage works, especially in the Medan Old City area, are important points that must be considered when revitalization is carried out.

This is done so that the improvement of the Medan Old City area becomes better and provides benefits to the community. That way the improvements made are not just making arrangements.

This emphasis was conveyed by the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, when he chaired the Meeting on the Medan Old Town Settlement Infrastructure Development Plan (RPIP-KLM) at Medan City Hall, Thursday, March 24.

In addition to the Medan City Secretary, Wiriya Alrahman, the meeting was also attended by the Head of the North Sumatra Regional Settlement Infrastructure (PPW) Syafriel Tansier, the OPD leadership and a number of representatives from relevant stakeholders.

“This drainage flow must be considered properly. Do not let the arrangement that is made to create new problems. Our goal is to bring comfort to the community. So, make sure the drainage flow reaches the Deli River," Bobby Nasution told the RPIP-KLM team, quoted from the Medan City Government statement.

Responding to Bobby Nasution, Medan City Secretary, Wiriya Alrahman, said that the drainage work was started from the outlet to determine the direction of the drainage flow.

"In addition, we also ask for the final planning scheme to be immediately submitted to the Medan City Government. So, we can also prepare what things are needed during the arrangement later, for example traffic engineering. So, it can be prepared,” said the Secretary of State.

Meanwhile, Head of the North Sumatra PPW Center, Syafriel Tansier, explained that the presentation was related to the scope of the area and the work. His party also asked Bobby Nasution for permission to go down directly with the RPIP Team to see firsthand the condition of the drainage in the field, in order to answer the instructions and requests submitted by Bobby Nasution.

"Later on, the pedestrian plan that we will build is also friendly for people with disabilities. We also hope that the work can be carried out soon, considering that the auction process has also started, "said Syafriel.

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