
BANJARMASIN - The Prosecutor's Office provides escort for activities at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) South Kalimantan (Kalsel) so that in its implementation it always obeys the law. "said the Head of the South Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office, Dr. Mukri in Banjarmasin, Thursday, March 24. In addition to the Ministry of Religion, the South Kalimantan Attorney's Office also signed a cooperation agreement with the Banjarmasin Hajj Embarkation Dormitory on a similar agenda. and state administration and the objectives of the collective agreement.

So it is hoped that the effectiveness of resolving civil law and state administrative problems both inside and outside the court can be improved. In principle, he said, prevention efforts are highly prioritized so that there are no deviations that lead to criminal acts such as corruption, dispute cases and so on. State lawyers can act as mediators or facilitators in the event of a dispute or dispute between the Ministry of Religion and the Hajj Dormitory with other parties, both the government and the private sector," he said, quoted by Antara. and governance in its ranks so that it is hoped that the development activities carried out will run well according to the rules.

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