
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, reminded young people not to show off their wealth. Moreover, exhibiting assets that come from ways that violate the law such as deceiving and deceiving others.

This warning was conveyed by Moeldoko when he was a keynote speaker at the 53rd Anniversary of the National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang. He admitted that he was concerned about the phenomenon of showing off wealth or flexing, which is widely practiced on social media.

"Don't be an instant generation, like to show off wealth, especially what is obtained by deceiving and deceiving others. This nation was not built with that mentality", said Moeldoko, quoted from his written statement, Thursday, March 24.

The former TNI Commander said technology and the development of youth socialization are closely related. As a result, now they want to live instantaneously.

Moeldoko said that young people of this type could easily have an unrealistic mindset. This is due to the influence of social media.

"The current era makes a person impatient, wanting everything to be instant and easy. There is even an unrealistic mindset on how to get success or wealth without lingering or having difficulties", said Moeldoko.

"I am very concerned about this condition", he added.

Apart from that, Moeldoko appreciated the achievements and achievements of ITN Malang, which has innovated, especially in the fields of technology and renewable energy such as building a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). This makes the educational institution the only campus that uses electricity from the sun.

"Mr. President is very concerned about the transformation of renewable energy and currently we are in the process of building the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, which is aspired to be a showcase of various transformations including energy issues. What ITN is doing is in line with the government's ideals", said Moeldoko.

After delivering his speech, Moeldoko was asked to inaugurate a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) and the construction of three houses of worship on campus, namely mosques, churches, and temples.

In addition, Moeldoko also signed a memorandum of understanding between the Presidential Staff Office and ITN Malang, regarding the development of information and technology research.

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