
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, bluntly revealed that there was a loan of Rp. 180 billion from the Jakarta Youth and Sports Agency (Dispora) to Bank DKI. The money was borrowed before the regulation on the budget for implementing Formula E was issued by the DKI DPRD.

This was conveyed by Prasetyo when he was finished being questioned regarding the investigation into the alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta at the KPK Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta on Tuesday, March 22 yesterday.

After being questioned, Prasetyo said he had explained several things to investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Including, regarding the loan of IDR 180 billion by Dispora DKI Jakarta to pay the commitment fee to Formula E Operations (FEO).

He said that the legislators in Kebon Sirih initially did not know about the bonded bond. Prasetyo said this ignorance arose because the DKI DPRD was not invited to discuss the budget.

"Yes, there is approval for the plan, but regarding budgeting, it will be discussed in the budget agency. Now in the discussion of the budget agency, before it becomes a regional regulation, borrow the Dispora from Bank DKI," Prasetyo told reporters.

"No (knowing about borrowing money, ed), we don't know. All the budget problems are those who make it," he added.

In fact, as a complement to his statement, Prasetyo brought a blue folder containing a number of documents. One of them, was a letter from the Dispora which was then answered by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan with Governor's Instruction Number 77 of 2019 concerning Support in Preparation for the Implementation of Formula E Activities in 2020.

For information, in the letter, Anies requested that the financing of support for the implementation of Formula E be charged to the Youth and Sports Office's Budget Implementation Document (DPA) for the 2019 Fiscal Year.

"The document is Dispora's letter to the governor which was answered by the governor's instructions," said Prasetyo.

"And (it was carried out, ed) without our knowledge," added the PDIP politician.

Asking Anies to be called

After explaining the information submitted to investigators, Prasetyo asked the KPK to summon Anies Baswedan. The summons was deemed necessary to make clear the allegations of corruption that occurred ahead of the implementation of the international car racing event.

Prasetyo also believes that Anies' information is needed in this case. One of them is to confirm the Governor's Instruction Number 77 of 2019 concerning Support in Preparation for the Implementation of Formula E Activities in 2020.

"I appeal to the KPK to be transparent and accountable for this Formula E problem, yes (calling Anies, ed)," he said.

KPK is ready to investigate Prasetyo's statement

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party would use Prasetyo's statement to explore the criminal elements in the alleged corruption of Formula E. All information obtained would be followed up.

"Of course, the information in question will be immediately examined by the KPK investigation team to ascertain whether there was a criminal incident in the implementation of the Formula E activity," said Ali in a written statement.

The anti-corruption commission has promised to share all of its findings when the investigation is complete. The public is asked to be patient and not draw conclusions on their own.

"The KPK investigation team is still collecting information related to this alleged criminal incident," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the summons of Anies, Ali said that all parties suspected of knowing about the alleged corruption, which is still in the process of being investigated, will certainly be summoned. Including, Anies Baswedan.

This was conveyed by Ali in response to Prasetyo's statement asking the KPK to examine Anies. All parties who know will certainly be asked to come to the KPK's Red and White Building to meet investigators.

"In principle, we will call whoever we are for questioning and clarification as long as it is needed in the process of collecting information, which we continue to do," said Ali.

However, the summoned party will of course be adjusted by the investigator's needs. However, he asked whoever would be summoned later to be cooperative so that the allegations of corruption in Formula E were made clearer.

"We hope that the parties who have been summoned can be cooperative and present the information they know about this case in front of the investigative team," he concluded.

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