
JAKARTA - Coordinator of the Team of Experts and Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito said East Java, being the province with the most villages or sub-districts, had a low level of compliance with wearing masks.

"The province that contributed the most in villages or kelurahan with low compliance is East Java, which is 366 urban villages," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 23.

From the reports he received, currently there are 29 percent or as many as 1,811 villages or sub-districts with low compliance with wearing masks.

In the second position is Aceh with 288 villages. Followed by Central Java with 227 villages, West Java with 140 villages, and Riau with 137 villages.

"Reflecting on these data, let's re-tighten our masks, wash our hands regularly, and as much as possible avoid crowds and keep our distance. Don't let our non-compliance give room for transmission that has the potential to cause an increase in cases," he ordered.

Wiku reminded the public about the importance of implementing health protocols (prokes) in the midst of incessant efforts to booster vaccination.

According to him, Indonesia should learn from several countries with a high level of booster vaccine achievement but not accompanied by a disciplined process so that there is an increase in cases in these countries.

"The five countries that have high booster achievements are Italy 63 percent, Germany 58 percent, England 57 percent, Vietnam 45 percent, and Thailand 32 percent. If it is not accompanied by a disciplined defense of health protocols, the potential for increasing cases will still exist. As For example, the increase in cases occurred in five countries from 15 countries with booster achievements above the world figure," said Wiku.

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