
JAKARTA - The government has abolished the quarantine policy for foreign travelers at all airports in Indonesia.

Those who have just arrived are only asked to do a swab test or swab test using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

"Travelers from abroad who arrive at all airports in Indonesia no longer need to go through quarantine", said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a video description posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Wednesday, March 23.

This policy was taken because the COVID-19 pandemic in the country is now continuing to improve. Jokowi said the government had decided to relax, including for travelers from abroad.

"Until March 22, 2022, the development of the COVID-19 pandemic in our country has continued to improve. Therefore, the government has decided to take some easing measures", he stressed.

After receiving the test results, travelers who are tested negative for COVID-19 can immediately leave the airport and carry out their activities.

"If the PCR test is positive, the COVID-19 Task Force will handle it", said Jokowi.

Even so, the public or travelers are advised to continue to apply strict and disciplined health protocols. The goal is that the current trend can be maintained.

"Hopefully we can maintain this improving trend. I ask all of us to continue to carry out health protocols, be disciplined in using masks, wash our hands diligently, and keep our distance", he concluded.

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