
TANGERANG - The PUPR Office of Tangerang City, Banten asked for assistance from the Tangerang District Attorney to repair damaged roads, namely Jalan Juanda Batuceper along the 1.6 kilometers because it is an asset of AP II. Because this damaged road is an asset of AP II and as a result, we have conducted a joint survey," said Head of the Tangerang City PUPR Service, Ruta Ireng Wicaksono in Tangerang on Wednesday. The State Attorney from the Tangerang District Attorney conducted a joint survey to the location of the damaged road in Batusari, Batuceper District on Tuesday 22 March. .Meanwhile the results of d From the survey activities, the Tangerang District Attorney will prepare steps to resolve the problem of road assets to have legal force when the Tangerang City Government will carry out repairs. . So the Tangerang District Attorney will coordinate with AP II," he said, quoted by Antara.

Previously, residents of Batuceper Sub-district held a peaceful protest asking for repairs to damaged roads to be carried out immediately because the condition was very poor. The Head of the Highways Division of the PUPR Service, Muhammad Ikhsan said that if the roads that were badly damaged were located on Jalan Juanda along 1.6 kilometers and Jalan Garuda along 2, 8 kilometers. Tangerang City Government has also prepared a budget for the repair of Jalan Juanda at a cost of Rp. 16 billion. "The City Government has prepared a budget for the repair of the road and in its implementation, we propose legal assistance to the prosecutor's office," he said. if the prosecutor's office will see the progress of the results of the discussions carried out so far. "The prosecutor's office is ready to assist and see the results of the discussions that have been carried out so far. Because this is related to the use of AP II asset land by the Tangerang City Government," he said.

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