
JAKARTA - As many as four people in one house were reported to have died from electrocution in an elite housing estate on Pulomas Barat Street 12, No. 4, RT 003/10, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, Sunday 20 March, evening.

The victims consisted of a husband with initial BG (37), a wife NB (29) and one child aged 1 year, EA (1), and babysitter initials SM (51).

They died after strongly suspected that they were electrocuted from the water heater in the bathroom of their house.

The incident began when a mother with the initials NB was bathing her toddler until she was electrocuted by the water heater.

Then, SM, the babysitter, and BG tried to help but they both got electrocuted.

According to information compiled, the four victims were found dead still in the bathroom together.

Meanwhile, according to Fauziah, SM (babysitter) her older sister has been working for 2 years at her employer's house. Fauziah also confirmed that the victims who died were all in the bathroom.

"Yes (4 people were electrocuted). (Initially) Bathe their children. The babysitter (victim SM) helped, the father (BG) helped, but they didn't know where (the stun flow) was coming from," said Fauziah to reporters at the location, Sunday, March 20, evening.

Fauziah membenarkan bahwa ketiga orang yang meninggal selain kakaknya merupakan pemilik rumah. Mereka (korban) satu keluarga.

Fauziah confirmed that the three people who died, apart from their brother, were the owners of the house. They (the victims) are one family.

"There were 4 (dead) a mother, a father, a baby, and a babysitter," he said.

After the Pulogadung Police and East Jakarta Metro Police arrived at the location, the identification process was carried out. The body of one family was taken to Heaven's funeral home. The deadly incident is still under investigation by the Pulogadung Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

Confirmed separately, Pulogadung Police Chief Commissioner of Police David confirmed the incident.

"It is true that a family died due to electric shock, short circuit. Four people died. First, a one-year-old child, a mother (wife), a father (husband) and a baby sitter," said Commissioner David.

Until now, the case is still under investigation by the Pulogadung Police Headquarters. Police also still do not know the motive for the incident.

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