
SURABAYA - Minimarkets in Surabaya have started selling cooking oil. If previously it was scarce, now cooking oil is easy to find in every mini market.

"The stock has just arrived, mas, this cooking oil was only sent yesterday when the government revoked the highest retail price (HET)," said the Indomaret cashier, on Jalan Ketintang Baru Selatan, Surabaya, Friday, March 18, 2022.

He admitted that the previous existence of cooking oil was often empty. Even if there is, he said, the stock is very limited with the new label price of IDR 25,500 / liter, higher than the HET of IDR 14,000 / liter.

Even though it is cheap, he said, cooking oil when HET is applied is very rare, in contrast to when HET is revoked, it is very easy to find in minimarkets.

"When HET was applied, it was indeed cheap, only the stock was very limited and immediately ran out. Now, if the stock is large, I don't remember how much," he said.

Likewise with the minimarket on Jalan Karah Agung Surabaya, the usually empty cooking oil shelves are now starting to pile up with a new price tag of IDR 25,500 / liter.

"I went to Indomaret on Wednesday, it was still empty, but on Thursday there was a lot of stock. This is clearly a retail game," said Dadang Kurnia, one of the buyers at Indomaret.

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