
SEMARANG - Semarang Polrestabes, Central Java, Thursday, March 17, facilitated the marriage of one of the detainees in the case of mistreatment of the occupants of the detention house at the police station. It was quoted by Antara, the marriage ceremony for the Ridwan-Bunga Angelia couple was held in the lobby of the Semarang Polrestabes Headquarters which was transformed into a wedding venue. "The police fulfill the right of the person concerned to marry while still fulfilling the legal process," he said. According to him, there was a request from the suspect's family to allow Ridwan to marry. "Because it was planned, we facilitated it," he said. While the bride, Bunga Angelia, expressed her gratitude for the facilitation provided by the Semarang Polrestabes, according to her, the wedding plans had been prepared several months ago. However, it turns out, he continued, the husband-to-be had to deal with the police for violating the law.

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