
SOUTH SULAWESI - Mining areas in South Sulawesi are being highlighted by the Central Sulawesi Regional Police. There is an allegation of illicit drug trafficking in one of the mining companies in the area.

The South Sulawesi Regional Police's action followed a report by one of the owners of a mining company that an employee had used methamphetamine. Surveillance in the area is now being increased.

"Yesterday we also had the opportunity to reveal what was circulating in mining areas", said Director of Drug Investigation of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Muhammad Eka Faturrahman, in Kendari, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Previously, his party had uncovered the illicit trafficking of drugs in mining areas. However, Eka did not mention which mining area and the name of the company.

Eka admitted that his party received a report from the owner of the company that found that employees often made mistakes at work, one of which was the driver of heavy equipment. After being investigated, the employee admitted to consuming methamphetamine.

"Many complaints from company owners who get employees, for example, are drivers of heavy vehicles, they often make mistakes in their work. When investigated by the owner, it turns out that the person in question uses or consumes crystal methamphetamine", said Eka.

When the company questioned the employee, it was admitted that the employee used methamphetamine to gain stamina while working. However, he emphasized that no matter what excuse someone used for drugs, it was not justified.

"When asked the employee, he stated that he was right. They admitted that they consumed this item to gain stamina, that's the reason. However, it cannot be used as a justification", he said.

Eka said that his party as a law enforcer was committed to continuing to exist to eradicate drug trafficking in Central Sulawesi, including in mining areas to protect the public from the dangers of illegal drugs and drugs.

"We continue to monitor and monitor the circulation of (drugs) that enter the mining area in Southeast Sulawesi Province", he said.

He said that in the last 2 months his party together with all ranks of the Narcotics Investigation Unit at 11 Polres have confiscated nearly 4 kilograms of evidence of narcotics of the type of crystal methamphetamine. Even so, he did not specify the exact details.

"More on the evidence of methamphetamine, for other types of narcotics, we are currently still investigating. There are other types, such as ecstasy pills. However, we cannot reveal them yet. However, we will continue to disclose", he said.

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