
JAKARTA - Chinese President Xi Jinping voiced opposition to punitive sanctions against Russia by Western countries for its attacks on Ukraine during a trilateral video summit with his French and German counterparts, state-owned media reported.

Speaking with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Xi said China was willing to 'play an active role' in resolving the ongoing crisis "according to the needs of all parties concerned," the media said without elaborating.

"Western sanctions will deal a blow to global financial stability, energy, transportation, and supply chains, dragging the world economy amid the pandemic," President Xi was quoted as saying by President Macron and Chancellor Scholz by China Central Television.

During the conversation President Xi said the top priority was to prevent tensions from getting "out of control", adding China would be happy to see "equal dialogue" between Europe, Russia, the United States, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, according to CCTV.

On the occasion, President Xi reiterated that the sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as legitimate security concerns of all countries, including Russia and Ukraine, must be respected.

It is known, Beijing has shown its understanding of Moscow's security issues related to the expansion of NATO. Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded that the US-led military alliance withdraw troops and weapons from Eastern Europe.

With the conflict escalating between Russia and Ukraine, China has been urged by the international community to work on brokering a ceasefire, while China has refrained from criticizing the Moscow offensive, launched in late February.

Both President Macron and Chancellor Scholz told President Xi that the two countries were "willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China to promote peace and talks, in order to avoid further escalation of the situation and a more serious humanitarian crisis," according to CCTV.

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