KUPANG - Investigators from the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial High Prosecutor's Office confiscated evidence in the form of cash as much as IDR 893.500.000 in the case of alleged corruption in the construction of houses for low-income communities (MBR) in the presidential directive in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) for Fiscal Year 2011.
"These funds were confiscated from suspect NH, who is the director of PT Anda Maria in the project to build housing facilities and infrastructure for low-income residents in Kupang Regency," said Head of the East Nusa Tenggara Province High Prosecutor's Office, Hutama Wisnu, to reporters in Kupang. March.
He said the NTT Prosecutor's Office, apart from enforcing the law, is also trying to save state financial losses in corruption cases.
According to the former deputy head of the Riau High Prosecutor's Office, the effort to confiscate state losses in the case of a house construction project in Kupang Regency carried out by the Low-Income Community Work Unit (SATKER MBR) at the Ministry of Public Housing is evidence that the NTT High Prosecutor's Office is part of an effort to save financial losses.
The confiscation of IDR 893.500.000.000.00 was carried out by the NTT High Prosecutor's Office investigator from the suspect NH in the case of alleged corruption in housing construction in Kupang Regency in 2011/2013.
According to the Attorney General's Office, Hutama Wisnu, who was accompanied by the Assistant for Special Crimes, Ilham confiscated evidence in a corruption case involving the suspect NH as a form of learning for anyone in this archipelago-based province not to commit corruption.
"We need to remind all parties in NTT not to engage in corruption. The confiscation of this evidence is a lesson for all parties to avoid corruption," said Hutama Wisnu.
The case of corruption in the construction of houses for low-income communities (MBR) The President's directive began when the construction of houses for the 2011/2013 academic year was carried out in Kupang Regency.
Suspect NH as Director of PT Anda Maria contacted the witness who is also suspect Nicodemus Nikson Bau (NNB) a Civil Servant (PNS) who serves as the Technical Head of the Low-Income Community Work Unit (SATKER MBR) at the Ministry of Public Housing to bring together suspect NH with a local provider/foreman to work on a package of infrastructure works, utility facilities (PSU) for three locations in Kupang Regency with a contract value of IDR 2.693.960.000.
Suspect NH agreed with witness Nicodemus Nikson Bau to supervise the work being carried out and make payments for the construction work of the inter-regional PSU in Kupang Regency (PSU AK-JL-KK-1) sent by suspect NH through the account of suspect Nicodemus Nikson Bau who was in the project role in supervising, monitoring and evaluating the work carried out by NH as the Director of PT. Anda Maria.
Total funds sent by NH through Nicodemus Nikson Bau's account reached IDR 1.499.000.000.00 of the total disbursed IDR 2.392.497.798.00
So there is IDR 893.497.798.00 which is the difference between the total amount of money disbursed and the money sent by suspect NH to Nicodemus Nikson Bau.
According to the Attorney General's Office, Hutama Wisnu, the confiscated funds were handed over to the attorney of the suspect, NH, to investigators from the NTT High Prosecutor's Office.
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