
JAKARTA - A Palestinian stabbed and wounded an Israeli policeman in Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday, then died when officers opened fire on him, a police spokesman said.

In addition, Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian who threw a firebomb at an army post outside Jerusalem on the same day, a military spokesman said. Palestinian officials identified the attacker as a 16-year-old boy who later died of his injuries.

In the walled Old City, a 19-year-old boy walked up to two officers stationed at one of the city gates, "pulled out a knife and stabbed one of them," a police spokesman said. Other police nearby "responded by shooting at him and neutralizing the terrorists."

According to Reuters on March 7, two officers were slightly injured, police said, one by a stabbing and one during police fire. A photo shared by police showed a knife lying on the ground next to a bloodstain.

In the village of Abu Dis outside the city limits of Jerusalem, soldiers shot one of two Palestinians who threw a firebomb at an army post, the army spokesman said, adding the other assailant managed to escape.

To note, Israel captured East Jerusalem, including the Old City, in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. Peace talks between Israel and Palestine broke down in 2014.

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