
JAKARTA - A viral video on social media shows hundreds of residents lining up to buy cheap cooking oil (migor). It is known that the incident took place at the Pesanggrahan Police Station, South Jakarta.

The video uploaded by the @Kabarbintaro account, Sunday, March 6, shows hundreds of residents, dominated by mothers, lining up to the highway.

It also appears, mothers are carrying their children along the queue to buy the cheap cooking oil.

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, confirmed that there were long queues regarding the purchase of cooking oil. However, he made sure it was only on the side of the road and did not interfere with passing vehicles.

He suspected that the queues occurred because the sale of cheap cooking oil in his place would end today. So people flocked to take advantage of this last opportunity.

"Perhaps people think, today is the last chance to get cooking oil from the Pesanggrahan Police Sector, so they have to try as much as possible," said Nazirwan when met at the location, Sunday, March 6.

"Once we direct them not to disrupt the flow of traffic, they can adjust, (finally) the situation returns to normal," he continued.

Nazirwan made sure the line didn't last long. The incident occurred between 4:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. local time.

"They came early this morning (Sunday) at 4.30 WIB, the line was long, the queue was only for a moment. As soon as 8 o'clock it was quiet, they had come in groups according to the queue number," he explained.

Nirzawan explained that his party had sold 3,600 liters of cheap cooking oil. "There are 3,600 liters, for 3 days, this is the last day," he said.

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