
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has dissolved a meeting of commodity trading broker, PT Gandem Marem Sejahtera (Gamara) because it is suspected to be illegal and does not have a permit from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA).

Gamara's meeting activities with potential investors were stopped to avoid any mode of investment offering under the guise of education and consultation.

"The Minister of Trade in collaboration with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, the Bali Police has stopped futures trading gatherings, because this activity does not have a permit from CoFTRA," said Head of the Legislation and Enforcement Bureau for CoFTRA, Aldison Karorundak when met in Kuta, Bali, Angtara, Saturday, March 6.

He said he was currently collecting information. This means that there are provisional facts that will be investigated regarding practices that are contrary to the Commodity Futures Trading Law.

The dissolution was carried out after it was found that there was a violation, namely that the broker used did not have a business license as a foreign or domestic broker, which we are still investigating.

"This is what needs to be given to the public, such as education to avoid dubious practices. If an investment package is offered in the field of commodity futures trading, you can check it first at," he said.

Gamara's offer of investment packages is alleged to have violated Article 49 paragraph (1a) Jo. Article 73D paragraph (1) of Law Number 10 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Law Number 32 of 1997 concerning Commodity Futures Trading. This violation is punishable by a sentence of five to 10 years, as well as a fine of IDR 10 billion to IDR 20 billion. Law no. 10 of 2011.

"Deep investigation by the organizers and has initial evidence of the company as a broker. If two sufficient preliminary evidence are found, then the threat is criminal," he said.

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