
PASAMAN BARAT - The West Pasaman Disaster Emergency Response Task Force has released data on the victims who died after the West Pasaman earthquake, West Sumatra (West Sumatra). As of Friday, March 4, two more victims were added.

"The number of fatalities has increased by two. The victim died at the Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital last night," said Commander of Kodim 0305/Pasaman Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel Hery Bhakti as Commander of the Disaster Emergency Response Command Post at Simpang Empat, quoted from Antara.

With the addition of these two victims, the total death toll was 9 people.

Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of the West Pasaman Health Service, Dr. Gina Alecia, revealed that the two victims who died were residents of the Kajai village, Talamau District, as one of the areas affected by the earthquake.

The first victim named Alinuar was 60 years old, while the second victim was Ermawati, who was 62 years old. Both had undergone treatment at the hospital complaining of shortness of breath, before finally passing away on Thursday, March 4.

For the victims of serious injuries in the West Pasaman area, 45 people were referred, on average, they were referred to Padang, for light and moderate injuries, there were 336 people. Meanwhile, for Pasaman Regency, 8 people died as of Friday night, four people were seriously injured, and 36 people were slightly injured.

Meanwhile, four residents are still being searched because they are reportedly still buried by a landslide in Malampah, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency.

On the other hand, entering the eighth day after the earthquake, on Friday, February 25, more than 11,000 residents were still displaced.

As for the Pasaman Regency area, the number of refugees was 5,207 people, with details as many as 3,021 people in 11 refugee locations that were formed, while the rest fled independently.

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