
PASAMAN - Distribution of earthquake logistics at a number of points in the Timbo Abu, Kajai, and Talu areas, Talamau District, West Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) was carried out manually due to the cut off of road access due to landslides.

"For the distribution of logistical assistance, the team uses a manual system by carrying packages and then being greeted by other vehicles across the road," said the Commander of Kodim 0305/Pasaman Letkol Kav Hery Bhakti as Commander of the Command Post, at Simpang Empat, Antara, Friday, March 4 evening.

This must be done by the team to ensure that logistical assistance to residents affected by the earthquake in Talu and a number of Nagari Kajai points can be met.

"Alhamdulillah, the logistics distribution can be done by the team, we will continue to do our best," he said.

In addition, his team also dispatched an off-road team as a mode of distributing logistical assistance to earthquake victims at Timbo Abu Simpang through alternative roads.

His party had to use off-road vehicles because the alternative road terrain could not be reached by ordinary vehicles because it was dirt and muddy.

The aid distributed was not only basic food items, but also emergency tents for victims affected by the earthquake.

The main road at the Rimbo Kejahan Kajai point was completely cut off due to a landslide a few days ago so that it became an obstacle in distributing logistics to the refugee camps.

For this reason, his party made an alternative road at the MAN 4 Kajai intersection to the Panjang Bridge and Timbo Abu intersection.

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