
JAKARTA - Six political parties have firmly rejected the postponement of the 2024 General Election proposed by the General Chair of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar. They are PDIP, Gerindra, NasDem, PPP, Democrats, and PKS. While the two political parties that support only PAN and Golkar.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that the rejection of the six political parties had calmed the discussion about postponing the election. Moreover, DPD RI also expressed its disapproval.

"This is certainly a relief. The strength of the party plus the DPD will shrink PKB, PAN and Golkar," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Friday, March 4.

However, according to Jamiluddin, the sponsors will continue to mobilize various elements of society to voice the postponement of the election. The voices from various elements of society, he said, would be used to pressure the MPR to amend the 1945 Constitution.

"These are certainly the country's elites who want to stay in power longer. For them, postponing the election means prolonging the accumulation of economic coffers," he said. "Therefore, the elite group together with the oligarchs will continue to instigate the postponement of the election," he continued. Jamiluddin assessed that the formation of public opinion would be carried out intensively until the MPR RI no longer had the power to reject it. To prevent this, he said, all elements of society who are pro-democracy and the constitution must jointly reject the postponement of the election. "This element of society will strengthen political parties and the DPD, which have rejected the postponement of the election from the start," he said.

Jamiluddin said the strength of the pro-democracy society and the constitution together with five political parties and the DPD would be a force to stop the elites and oligarchs from delaying elections. "They must be fought in any way for the sake of upholding democracy in the country," he said.

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