
JAKARTA - A telephone conversation between French President Emmanuel Macron and President Vladimir Putin gave rise to bad news. Russia will not stop controlling Ukraine.

The convoy of Russian military troops reaching tens of kilometers to the city of Kyiv, could be a sign that Putin does not want to stop until he manages to 'control' all of Ukraine.

Quoted from The Moscow Times - an independent English-language online media based in Moscow - a senior staff member of the French President admitted that he knew a lot about the contents of the conversation.

"The president's hopes are for the worst to come, given what President Putin said to him," a senior aide to the French leader told reporters on condition of anonymity Thursday.

"There is nothing in what President Putin said to us that can convince us. He showed great determination to continue the operation," the aide continued.

President Vladimir Putin promised not to stop in his invasion of Ukraine. Even as Ukraine and Russia are sitting at the table for a peace deal, Putin appears in no mood to heed global calls for an end to hostilities as the war enters its second week.

"Russia intends to continue its uncompromising war against insurgents of nationalist armed groups," Putin said, according to the Kremlin's account of a phone call with French President Emmanuel Macron.

But Ukraine insisted that corridors for medical and other supplies were the minimum expected, as negotiators arrived for talks at an undisclosed location on the Belarus-Polish border.

The first round of talks on Monday yielded no breakthrough, and Kyiv said it would not accept Russia's "ultimatum".

Putin, however, said any attempt to slow down the talks process "will only lead to additional demands on Kyiv in our negotiating position."

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