
JAKARTA - Four Russian warplanes on Wednesday 2 March breached Swedish territory over the Baltic Sea, according to the Swedish Armed Forces.

The action immediately sparked criticism from Swedish Defense Minister, Peter Hultqvist.

Two Russian SU27 warplanes and two SU24 aircraft briefly entered Swedish airspace east of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, the Swedish Armed Forces said in a statement.

It added that the Swedish plane JAS 39 Gripen was deployed to document the breach.

"Russia's violation of Swedish airspace is completely unacceptable", Defense Minister Hultqvist told TT News Agency quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 3.

"(This incident) will lead to a firm diplomatic response from Sweden. Sweden's sovereignty and territory must always be respected."

The Swedish military reported that the situation was brought under control and said the incident showed high preparedness.

"Looking at the current situation, we take this incident very seriously", the defense minister said on his website.

Swedish authorities on Sunday said they would send military aid, including 5,000 anti-tank guns to Ukraine, the first time since 1939 Sweden had sent weapons to a country at war.

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