
JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil asked the ulama to participate in advancing the region. Ridwan explained how.

He said, one of them can routinely provide input to leaders. He believes, a good leader is someone who is also willing to listen to the advice of the scholars.

"There is no blessing of God that is not felt in West Java. This is none other than because the ulema always give us leaders advice and comforting advice to people who may be confused," said Kang Emil, Ridwan Kamil's nickname when giving a speech in The commemoration of the Isra Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW at the West Java Province level in 2022 at Gedung Sate Bandung, Tuesday, March 1, quoted from Antara.

Another way can be to always provide soothing advice to the community. So the situation in West Java can always be conducive.

According to Ridwan Kamil, maintaining conduciveness is very important to strengthen brotherhood among each other. As a result, the country will also be stronger and avoid wars like what happened in Ukraine.

"This is a moment when our faith is tested to believe in the special event of Isra Mi'raj, as well as the start of our daily prayers," said Kang Emil, his nickname.

Kang Emil also reminded that this would be an important moment to welcome a conducive environment for West Java, lest there be a war like Ukraine-Russia, and it should not be lost like Yugoslavia.

"We want 2045, when Indonesia is 100 years independent, Allah will give us the status of a blessing called a superpower," he said.

In addition, the conducive atmosphere of West Java can also support the optimism that is being built. Especially this year, West Java is looking at 2022 with high optimism.

"Where there is conduciveness, we can carry out construction. Therefore, please pray that this year it will return to normal, so that we can build roads, bridges, and worship facilities," said Kang Emil.

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