
SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Police's Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) team repatriated four women from Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Regency, West Java who were victims of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) from Paniai, Papua.

"Currently, the team is on their way to Palabuhanratu after picking up the four victims in Papua," said Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP I Putu Asti Hermawan as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

According to Asti, the team that picked them up included the Head of the PPA and other Sukabumi Police personnel who had left for Papua since Tuesday, February 22.

The handover of the four women victims of TIP was carried out at the Sentani City Police, which was attended by KBO Criminal Investigation Unit of Paniai Police Ipda Muhammad Ridwan Lili, Head of Sub-Directorate of Sub-Directorate IV of Papua Regional Police AKP Rahmita Duwila and First Brigadier Ruth Amsor from PPA Paniai Police.

In addition, it was also attended by the Jayapura Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS), Papua Province, Malik Alim and Burhanuddin. After the handover ceremony, the four immediately headed back to Sukabumi to hand over the victims to their families.

"We are currently at the Sukabumi Police Headquarters preparing the handover ceremony for the victims to their families and it is hoped that there will be no obstacles and according to the planned schedule," he added.

Previously, the TIP case was revealed after the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim personnel arrested a suspect suspected of being a network of trafficking young women to Papua to become commercial sex workers (PSK) in a cafe in Paniai, Papua.

In addition, the Paniai Regional Police also arrested two other suspects in Papua, which is a trafficking network, thanks to the coordination and cooperation between the two Polres, the TIP case in which four young women were victims from Palabuhanratu was uncovered.

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